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New publication in Physical Review A


Our new article entitled “Coupled-oscillator model to analyze the interaction between a quartz resonator and trapped ions” has been published in the journal Physical Review A.

On May 30, our article entitled “Coupled-oscillator model to analyze the interaction between a quartz resonator and trapped ions” by E. Altozano, J. Berrocal, S. Lohse, F. Domínguez, M. Block, J. J. García-Ripoll, and D. Rodríguez was published in the journal Physical Review A.

Link to the publication:

In this work we develop a theoretical model that provides a detailed description of the interaction between trapped ions and a quartz resonator connected to a low-noise amplifier. We have fitted this model to our experimental data with calcium ions in a 7T Penning trap and determined their reduced-cyclotron frequency. Potential improvements in the system's performance may allow the use of this resonator in the realm of Penning-trap mass spectrometry.