Tablón de Anuncios

Postdoc job offer at the Ion Trapping group in Granada


The Ion Trapping group at the University of Granada has one job vacancy for postdocs to work at the Ion Traps and Lasers Laboratory. The position is associated with a new research project granted by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación). The title of the project is:

“Single-trapped-ion detection techniques for (super)heavy ions, precision experiments based on optical sensing and quartz amplifiers” (in English).

“Experimentos de precisión con iones (super)pesados individuales confinados en trampas Penning utilizando detección óptica y amplificadores de cuarzo” (in Spanish).

The duration of the contract is 1 year and and can be extended for another year. The successful candidate is expected to start by January-February 2021. The applicants must contact Prof. Daniel Rodríguez in advance (--LOGIN--66dc982e4a65c8a1a371b8d0e84f44edugr[dot]es ) for more details regarding the position.